

The Creating tomorrow today: seven simple rules for leaders blog series with Goran Henriks (Jönköping, Sweden) in BMJ Leader (series still in production):

  1. Creating simple rules
  2. Defining our shared purpose
  3. Rooting our transformation efforts in a sense of belonging
  4. Predicting and preventing: start at an earlier stage (“upstream”) in the intervention or care process


Case study in Making process improvements stick, Harvard Business Review.


Leading large scale change: A practical guide (handbook), with Paul Plsek and Lynne Winstanley, NHS England.


Sustaining organizational culture change in health systems, with Cameron David Willis et al, Journal of Health Organisation and Management.


Collaborative demand-led design: a new way of managing demand in health and care, with Henry Kippin, Sasha Karakusevic and Anna Randle.


A trilogy for health care improvement: quality, productivity and innovation, chapter in The Innovation Imperative in Health Care Organisations, Peter Spurgeon, Cary Cooper, and Ronald Burke (eds), New Horizons in Management series.


Creating the Culture for Innovation: a guide for executives, with Lynne Maher and Paul Plsek, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement.


The power of one, the power of many – bringing social movement thinking to healthcare Improvement, with Jo Bibby et al, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement.


Lean Six Sigma, some basic concepts, with Neil Westwood et al.


The next leg of the journey:  How do we make High Quality Care for All? with Chris Ham and Paul Plsek, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement.


Performance management in healthcare (Editor), with Jan Walburg, John Wilderspin and Karin Lemmens (eds).


Using a design approach to assist large-scale organisational change – “Ten High Impact Changes” to improve the National Health Service in England, with Paul Bate et al, The Journal of Applied Behavioural Science.


The next phase of healthcare improvement: What can we learn from social movements? with Paul Bate and Glen Robert, Quality and Safety in Healthcare.


Redesigning cancer care, with David Kerr, Ben Gowland, Jean Penny, and Don Berwick, British Medical Journal.

Plus more than 100 published articles, opinion pieces and blogs on topics related to innovation, improvement, and large scale change, for The Health Service Journal, BMJ and other websites and publications